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Friday, December 17, 2010

Science Fair Research Plan Template

Science Fair Research Plan Template  (Due January 7th)
(Must be typewritten and submitted electronically)
(To be completed and approved by Mr. Knoflicek prior to experimenting)
By First Name Last Name

I.  Title  _____________________________________________________________________

II.  Problem (question) ________________________________________________________

III.  Hypothesis (If........, then…….. will happen)

IV.  Research (notes and information written in your own words and the sources from which you obtained it – I will confirm that your research is in your own words by using a plagiarism checker.  If you plagiarize you will be given a zero and will be written up for academic dishonesty (Level 1 Offense))

    1.  source: _________________________________________________________________

          information: ___________________________________________________________

    2.  source: _________________________________________________________________

          information: ___________________________________________________________

   3.   source: _________________________________________________________________

          information: ___________________________________________________________
   4.  source: _________________________________________________________________

         information: ___________________________________________________________

    5.  source: _________________________________________________________________

        information: ___________________________________________________________

      V. Experimental Plan/Procedures  (written step-by-step)

    VI.  Materials Needed

    VII.  Variable (this is what is actually being tested- the one thing that will change)

   VIII. Controls (the things in the experiment that don't change)

      IX.  Data (how will the data you collect from your experiment be organized and displayed?) (In a graph, chart or table)
Rubric based on these nine (I through IX) Sections with Research counting 2 points.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I've been looking for something like this forever.
